A Journey Of Disappointment.
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This Chinese new year eve, we made our way down to toa payoh hdb hub to visit the president design awards. We were all excited to view the exhibition and promote it as our first official post, But low and behold..... 

This was what we saw. A barren exhibition of just blank computers screens!! Even though the monitors were just to display the works of interior and architectural design. We were thinking why isn't the computer screens turned on? Is it because it is the eve of a public holiday? Does that give a good excuses? Does it really takes much effort to turn on a few monitors? We thought that there would be more people on the weekends and public holiday because public holiday should attracts more people and people do not need to go to work.
So now, this is an example why Singapore cannot be/is not a design centered hub. Also, there isn't enough information to educate the public, and lead the human traffic to the exhibition. We feels that Singapore need more platform to grow and to reach out to the public/people better.

By Pickers..

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